mirror, mirror
Don't miss the fascinating story in today's New York Times on mirror neurons. I write about mirror neurons in the empathy chapter of Mommy Brain -- they are relatively recently discovered cells that fire whether someone is acting in a particular way or merely observing someone else doing so. At UCLA, Dr. Marco Iacoboni has done a series of experiments looking at mirror neurons. He thinks they are a critical part of empathy, and also are a mechanism by which kids can get insensitized to violence -- for instance, when they process vile Internet fare like Happy Tree Friends....
I had to tell you that I introduced my boys to Club Penguin and that they love it, particularly -- and perhaps surprisingly -- my 10 year old. Now, instead of dispatching enemies with daggers and swords on Runescape, he is fussing over how to make his penguin cooler -- hoodie and/or headphones?!
I also emailed your publicist to get a review copy of your book because it sounds the sort of thing I would love to write about for one of the British papers -- the Guardian or one of the Sundays perhaps -- if it hasn't already been covered. I haven't heard from her yet, but has the book been published in the UK?
That's great (about Club Penguin), Tracey! (Though don't you think it makes the greedy little urchins even greedier? Or is that just my post-holiday sourness?)
And thanks for your two emails -- they were bright spots in a difficult week.
You probably didn't get an email response from the publicist because she left Basic. Paul.gilbert@perseusbooks.com is your guy now. Please let me know if you don't hear from him soon. The paperback is coming out in May. I think the book is available in the UK but just hasn't been published separately. Where are you based?
All best,
On Club Penguin, yes of course. It took barely 10 minutes for my two to decide they needed to blow their allowance on becoming members so they could indulge in a consumer spending frenzy.
I live in Berkeley. My children go to the same school as Frances Dinkelspiel's, hence the connection. We moved because my husband started a company with 3 others that is based here and we thought a change -- an adventure -- would be a good thing.
Paul is sending me a review copy of your book. I look forward to reading it.
PS. Is there an email address I can reach you at rather than posting on the web?
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