Got philanthropy?
For Thanksgiving, I'm taking kids and spouse to our usual annual event, a catered meal at the home of one of my parents' friends. And feeling very guilty about it. Other friends of mine are taking their families to soup kitchens to help out, which I think is a wonderful idea, so I started calling around to see if we might do it too. Turns out the kids are still so young they'd be getting in the way, but more important, everywhere around here is booked with volunteers. Which is great news...although there is that issue about showing up just once a year... This is another thing my generation's parents didn't worry so much about. I bring my kids along when I deliver meals to a homeless place throughout the year, but, again, there are so many volunteers that that's fairly infrequent. I've also brought Joey, 10, to plant sedges in salmon habitat, which was a fine experience, but I'm wondering if anyone reading this has a regular thing they do with their children, something you can work in to a fairly harried suburban existence where you want to help but not condescend...
Got any good ideas?
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