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The Mommy Brain
How Motherhood Makes Us Smarter

The Mommy Brain Blog

Thursday, April 03, 2008

we interrupt this silence for...

I know, I know, I could be a better blogger.

But I don't want to take anybody's time for anything less than meaningful. And I still haven't figured out how to insert links -- there, I've admitted it. And as I delve into writing my new book about attention, I'm progressively hyper-aware of how much precious time I lose every time I let myself get stuck in the Web. (By the way, the wonderful writer Katy Butler (www.katybutler.com) told me a great trick for managing email. It's powerful in its simplicity. You don't open the program first thing in the morning. This works so much better than my ridiculous promising my self I won't check it every five minutes that I had to share it. But I digress.)

I had to check in today because of two things. One is to convey the shock, but, sadly, not surprise, of reading recently (while stuck in the Web) how a chunk of ice the size of Connecticut just fell from Antarctica. Another is the email I got today, despite my valiant attempts to ward off so many random attempts to grab slices of my limited capacity for focus, that does merit attention.

It's from a group called 1Sky (www.1Sky.org) with an invitation for thinking mothers to use the upcoming Mothers Day to make a statement about climate change. Check it out, in your copious free time. I'm putting it on my to-do list and hope you do too.


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