shopping for carbon credits
I'm blogging from a family reunion in Mexico this week in the wake of a poop-storm of comments on my recent piece on carbon credits in . I'd been warned about Salon letter-writers but never expected they'd focus such an intense debate on the eco-sin of having had children. (For the record, I'm at peace with that decision, and my children are my main motivation to continue writing about the energy crisis.)
Many of the other comments focused inanely (no, really, I'm not mad!) on when and how I should use umbrellas or froth my lattes, which neatly emphasized my point that we are at a really wacky time in human history when individuals are going after each other for who's the greenest (shopper) of them all (the New York Times piece Sunday on this theme was excellent) and losing sight of the very very short timeline in which we must take serious action if we are to have a fighting chance of curbing climate change.
What makes the issue more serious is the corporations who are taking advantage of the delays and even making money on them -- I use PG&E, northern California's utility, as an example.
I recommend everyone tune in to the Live Earth show July 7, by the way.
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