stop ironing the diapers!
That's a quote from one of my favorite authors, Barbara Ehrenreich, which I thought of today after I called another mom just to make sure she didn't mind that while her 8-year-old son was over on a playdate, my 8-year-old's 11-year-old brother sold him a bunch of Pokemon cards. For the probably inflated price of $3. I felt responsible for making sure she knew and didn't think we'd entrapped him -- but hanging up, realized we both have lots better things to do. Paying older brothers for probably worthless Pokemon cards is part of the price of growing up, after all, isn't it? Among activities actually deserving our attention, try: Making a Difference Day is Oct. 28th. If you haven't gotten your kids involved, there's still time!
My father used to shine up pennies using a rubber eraser and sell them to his little sister for a nickle each (in response to your blog of October 11).
Gwen Wilson
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