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The Mommy Brain
How Motherhood Makes Us Smarter

The Mommy Brain Blog

Friday, July 28, 2006

an inconvenient heat wave

I had meant to finally go see .Al Gore's movie last weekend but a transformer had overheated and blown out at the Fairfax Theater due to our recent heat wave, which just ended yesterday. It took PG&E two days to fix it, what with all the other power-outages they've been coping with. So last night I got another chance to go, and joined my friend Elizabeth, who turned to me during the credits and asked, "Why weren't people screaming in the theater?" It was a good question, and I really urge everyone to see this film and do everything the producers suggest at the end. I suspect there are many people at this point who think it's too late. (>James Lovelock may be the scientist who has said this most publicly); Greenland's ice caps are melting, and there's nothing we can do. Perhaps it is too late to avert some terrible consequences. I still hope to see people keeping faith in some civilized future and finally doing what we can to preserve it.
In the meantime, today's headlines read that Exxon's profit has soared by 36 percent since last year......

Monday, July 03, 2006

interdependence day

I have been meditating for the past two months, just 24 minutes a day as B.Alan Wallace recommends in his wonderful book, The Attention Revolution.
It's probably too early to say, but I may already be less of a hothead. To spread the spiritual wealth, I took the kids to the Green Gulch Farm & Zen Center yesterday for the once-monthly children's program. After a very short talk by a very large monk about "Interdependence Day," they got to run around on an absolutely spectacular organic farm and chew edible flowers, after which we walked to Muir Beach, and it didn't look like they missed electronics for at least a couple hours....The monk asked who in the audience had seen "An Inconvenient Truth," and then said, "Things are going to get worse in a very short time...Children are going to need spiritual guidance." Zeitgeist, anyone?

In other news, last week the French publisher Hachettebought the rights for The Mommy Brain. It is now being published in nine languages (is it craven to count English?). I am finishing up a story for Psychology Today Magazineabout Buddhist psychology and the brain (not the only reason I started meditating, but it helps) and am doing a large consulting project for the
Packard Foundation, learning under deadline about their courageous five years of investing in reproductive health around the world. It's tremendously inspiring -- and then at the end of this month I get to go to Disneyland! I hope you're all having an equally fun and educational summer...